Mr. Hirsch Goes To Washington
Written by Paul Hirsch on February 26, 2013.
This morning, I arrived in Washington DC to represent Studio1337 as one of the charter members of the i2Coalition. Tomorrow afternoon, we are meeting with a handful of senators and various statesmen to discuss and educate them on the scopes, roles and influences various IT-related industries have on the government and constituents. We are looking to create an open line of communication with congress and encourage them to contact us before putting any more dangerous legislation on the table (i.e. SOPA and PIPA) in the future, so we can assist them with understanding the ramifications of their legislation, point out where they’re going to get backlash and help mold legislation that will ensure fairness without creating the potential for abuse of poorly formulated law.
If you have any interest or professional investment in maintaining a healthy Internet, I urge you to become familiar with the i2Coalition and spread awareness for this important organization, so others know someone is doing their very best to represent the interests of the people.
More information here: i2Coalition Plans To Educate Lawmakers With Capitol Hill Internet Advocacy Day