Our Studio

Studio1337 is a full-service online marketing studio; a collective of skilled, creative professionals. We are passionate about Web design & online marketing and work with that passion every day for each of our awesome clients.

We are an international studio primarily based in Austin, Texas and Middlesbrough, England, with partner-based operations in Akron, Ohio and Canton, Ohio.

Meet The Founders

Meet Some More of The Team

The Internet Infrastructure Coalition Logo

Studio1337 was one of 34 companies and organizations to found The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition).

The Internet Infrastructure Coalition supports those who build the nuts and bolts of the Internet, and we treat it like the noble profession that it is. We believe the continued growth of the Internet is vital for growing an environment of innovation globally and domestically.

A (very) Brief History

Studio1337 was originally founded as Equentity LLC by three Web entrepreneurs, Jamie Harrop, Paul Hirsch and Paul Riddick, located in West Yorkshire, England; Akron/Canton, Ohio, U.S., and Middlesbrough, England respectively.

We officially registered on May 22, 2005 in the State of Ohio. In 2008, the partners of Equentity LLC created the new brand under which all design and development work would take place, Studio1337.

In 2013, we relocated from N.E Ohio to just outside Austin, Texas, a great location to be for growing technology companies.

We Work With Awesome Clients